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Fuel Loaders

Fuel Loaders are a new type of loader building that attaches to the rocket platform.
These new buildings will fill up fuel, oxidizer and radbolt tanks in connected rockets.
The type of fuel it tries to load is always dependent on the engine of the rocket; a fuel loader won't fill a liquid fuel tank or an oxidizer tank on a rocket with a steam engine.

Multiple Fuel Loaders can be used to increase fuel loading speed.

Fuel Loader

Fuel Loader Refuels connected rockets with the appropriate fuel.
Automatically links when built to the side of a
Rocket Platform or another Rocket Port
Building-ID RTB_UniversalFuelLoader
Research Fuel Loaders
Building Category Rocketry/RocketFueling
Dimensions 1x2 tiles
Power 120W
Heat +0.625 kDTU/s
Overheat at 2273.15K / 2000°C
Shipping Input: Any Fuel
Requires Must be built next to Rocket Platform
Effects Allows loading of Fuel Tanks
Refined Metal 400kg

The normal Fuel Loader will fill all types of fuel tanks except radbolt storages with the fuels that are compatible with the rocket engine.

Oxidizer Loader

Oxidizer Loader Refuels connected rockets with the appropriate oxidizer.
Automatically links when built to the side of a
Rocket Platform or another Rocket Port
Building-ID RTB_UniversalOxidizerLoader
Research Fuel Loaders
Building Category Rocketry/RocketFueling
Dimensions 1x2 tiles
Power 120W
Heat +0.625 kDTU/s
Overheat at 2273.15K / 2000°C
Shipping Input: Any Oxidizer
Requires Must be built next to Rocket Platform
Effects Allows loading of Oxidizer Tanks
Refined Metal 400kg

The Oxidizer Loader will fill all types of oxidizer tanks when the rocket engine consumes oxidizer.

Radbolt Loader

Radbolt Loader Fills all sorts of Radbolt Storages.
Allows fueling a Radbolt Engine and the Laser Drillcone.
Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform
or another Rocket Port
Building-ID RTB_HEPFuelLoader
Research Fuel Loaders
Building Category Rocketry/RocketFueling
Dimensions 1x3 tiles
Power 120W
Heat +0.625 kDTU/s
Overheat at 2273.15K / 2000°C
Shipping Input: Any Oxidizer
Requires Must be built next to Rocket Platform
Effects Allows loading radbolts into rocket storages
Storage Capacity 500 Radbolts
Refined Metal 400kg

The Radbolt Loader fills up any radbolt storage on connected rockets. These include:

  • Radbolt Engine
  • Laser Drillcone
  • Radbolt Chamber Module

It has an internal storage of 500 radbolts that outputs a green logic signal when full.